Our Always Admired Bouquet is a lovely, vibrant combination of flowers including orange roses, pink alstroemerias, light pink snapdragons, and lisianthus, and is accented with an array of green foliage. Orange roses add warmth and energy to the bouquet, while pink alstroemerias add a touch of sweetness and delicacy. The light pink snapdragons add height and structure to the arrangement, perfectly complementing the beauty of the other flowers. Alstroemerias add extra elegance with their soft, delicate petals. The entire bouquet is completed with varieties of green foliage, which provide texture and depth, creating a truly captivating floral arrangement full of admiration.
- Standard: The bouquet will be delivered as shown in the image.
- Deluxe: Additional flowers will be added to enhance the bouquet.
- Premium: We will add more flowers of better quality to make your luxury bouquet stand out.
- Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and containers may vary depending on availability.
- Fresh Flowers Shipping in Florida: Port Saint Lucie, Fort Pierce, Stuart, and Palm Beach.
- All orders placed before 2:00 p.m. OMG Flowers offers same-day delivery to Port Saint Lucie, Stuart, Jensen Beach, Fort Pierce, and Palm City.
- Standard: 20″ H X 17″ W
- Deluxe: 22″ H X 18″ W
- Premium: 23″ H X 18″ W
- Clear Glass Vase: 8″ H